Friday, March 26, 2010

We got robbed last night.


Someone stole my Kroger brand Moon Pie ice cream right out of the deep freeze in our garage. There were 3 cars in our driveway, 8 people in our house (counting kids), and between 9 and 10 last night someone (hopefully kids) came into our open garage, got in the deep freeze, stole my ice cream and I'm not sure what else, and put a quart of buttermilk surrounded by 6 chicken nuggets on top of Nathan's car.

I might think it was kinda funny except I was really looking forward to tasting that ice cream.

What is this world coming to?


Ashley S. said...

I'm glad it was just ice cream, but that's really funny. Especially the buttermilk and chicken nuggets part. It'll teach you to make sure your garage is closed I suppose. :)

The Cornelisons said...

That is actually pretty funny, assuming nothing of value was taken from your garage. We constantly leave ours open and have a fridge full of stuff down there since there is not a fridge large enough to hold food for all my boys. If my ice cream ever goes missing we'll search for the culprit together. How random to take ice cream - so I would assume kids or teenagers as well.

Tracy said...

That is the craziest thing! At least it was only the ice cream. Too bad you didn't catch those dumb teenagers in the act. You could have scared the living daylights out of them!

The Nelson Family said...

Oh no!! That is terrible. Kids do the craziest and not so wise things sometimes. A few years ago some kids covered my car with bologna. Yea. Gross. Plus, it actually took the clear coat off my car in little circles where the bologna was. Makes you appreciate how sweet and "innocent" your little ones are right now. You should put out some missing posters with pictures of the ice cream on them!