Thursday, January 25, 2007

Baby Babble... Just an update on Kaleigh for our benefit and anyone else who cares - She turned 15 months recently and weighs 20 lbs and is almost 31 inches. The newest thing she is doing is starting to talk a little. Until about 2 weeks ago she was only saying 3 or 4 words but now it seems like she's starting to repeat a lot more of what we say (or try to anyway). The words she most commonly will say, in order of when she learned them are Dada, baby, bye-bye, Mama, Bear, Mimi, Mommy, Nana, Doggy, Fish, Poppa, Cookie, Ball, and hi or hey. The funniest is when she tries to say "belly button" and gives it about 5 extra syllables. It comes out something like "bizybotabutabotta". She is learning to point to body parts when we say them and the other day I asked if her uncle had a big mouth and she looked at him and opened her mouth real wide. She only has four teeth right now (top 2 middle and bottom 2 middle) but is getting a few more. She can empty a drawer in 5 minutes, the clothes basket in 4 minutes and her toy box in 2 minutes. Needless to say, our house has looked better, but it's never been quite so much fun!


Amber said...

They are growing up way too fast! She is such a precious little girl and I love the sassy clothes that you dress her in! I'm glad we all get to stay home and enjoy the special and priceless moments in our childrens' life! Keep the updating coming...I like to know what to expect when Ethan is a few months older!

Anonymous said...

Where are some pictures! Hello are you slacking off or what?