Thursday, December 13, 2007

Recent Conversations with my 2 year old:

Nathan is always telling me to write these things down, so this is my way of recording funny things that Kaleigh says and does during the day. It is so much fun talking to her now and I'm sure it will only get funnier as she gets older.

This first conversation took place after we read this sweet Christmas story called "You are my Miracle"
Kaleigh: I'm a miracle too, mommy.
Me: Yes, you are. You are mommy and daddy's miracle.
K: And mommy's a miracle too
Me: Yes (Awww, So sweet)
K: And daddy's a miracle too.
Me: Yes he is.
K: And Dora and Boots are a miracle too.
Me: (feeling slightly deflated) Well, Dora and Boots aren't really real and someone (not God) created them and so they aren't actually...
Whatever, yeah Dora and Boots too.

Here's the 2nd conversation taking place at the table getting ready to eat lunch:
Me: What are you thankful for Kaleigh?
K: Want mommy's drink
Me: But what are you thankful for?
K: Uh
Me: Are you thankful for food?
K: Yeah
Me: And our house, and friends?
K: Yeah and Randy.
Me: You're thankful for Randy? (he was at our house for poker Tuesday)
K: And Amber, and Andy and Liz
Me: Okay, that's nice
K: and Cat
Me: Mimi's cat?
K: Yeah and dog
Me: What dog?
K: And Daddy
Me: Well, that's nice, I'm sure Daddy will be glad to know that he was on the list even if he did come after the cat and some mystery dog.


Ashley S. said...

Those are great! I've already told people that I plan on writing down all of the funny things our kids say. I wrote down all of the kids quotes for four years of teaching and now write down the funny things that Dalton and Chandler say. People always tell me I could write a book with all of the quotes.

Ellen said...

I love this picture of Kaleigh with the Christmas lights. That is really cool!

Jennifer Jackson said...

She is too funny! I love it!